Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Post-Season: Game 2 - Sat 6.7 - L

Coming into the 2nd game of our double-elimination tournament we were unaware of who our opponent was going to be since this was determined by the other tournament games. We came to the field to find that we were going to play the Fireballs for the 4th time in the season. This was good, because we were 2-1 against the Fireballs for the season. So the opportunity was there to advance in the tournament.

Again, the coin toss determined home and visitor and, once again, the Whos took home.

Although it was a loss, putting a close to our 2008 season, this was one of the most exciting games of the season (and most fun) and it was decided, by literally a hair to close it out. So, it was a great way for the Whos to finish and I have to say that the girls really gave this last game everything they had. It was a see-saw battle to the end and it could've gone either way. Great job Whos on a great season. I hope you all had a great time this year and I hope to see you all again in '09.

Whos: 7

Shelbey and the Whos defense came in to the game with great determination. These girls really left it out on the field for what was possibly their last game of the season. The 1st Fireball batter got a base hit and was safe on 1st. The next batter hit a double scoring the 1st run of the game then made her way to 3rd base. Two walks later and the bases were loaded. Shelbey then ripped a couple past the next batter, but on the 3rd one the batter was able to connect sending the base runners, but Jade managed to snatch the ball on the fly for the 1st out, then touching 1st for a double play. A Fireball base hit brought in another runner, but that was it as Shelbey was able to strike out the next batter holding the Fireballs to 2 for the inning.

Kas, leading off for the Whos was able to connect with the ball, but the Fireball defense was able to get her out at 1st. Mari and Jade walked getting the Whos on base, then Maricella struck out and things looked bleak for the Whos in the 1st. But after a walk by Hylah to load the bases, the Whos started to connect. Cambria after almost striking out got a hit and was safe on 1st driving Mari in. I think this was Cambria's first hit of the season. Then, Shelbey got a hit to drive Jade in for another score. Casey walked scoring the next run, putting the Whos up by 1. And after the small hot streak, Gaby struck out to close out the 1st.

Mari came in to pitch the 2nd inning and the Fireballs hit a grounder down the center of the field. Mari picked it up and threw it to 1st, but the ball was dropped and the runner was safe. Mari walked the next 2 batters loading up the bases. The next two batters were able to bring 1 run each in with a base hit and a dropped fly ball respectively. Mari answered this with a strike out on the next batter. The next Fireball connected with a pitch driving one last run it, but then Mari, with a quick throw to 1st then a final strike out retired the side.

The Fireballs defense woke up for the 2nd inning. Kas walked to start things off then Mari got hit by a pitch to put 2 Who runners on base. Jade hit a ball down the 1st base side and she was thrown out at 1st. Maricella walked to load the bases, but the Fireball pitcher threw some heat and was able to strike Hylah and Cambria out to keep the Whos scoreless in the 2nd.

Our 3rd pitcher on the day was Hylah and I don't know what happened, but she really answered the Fireballs with some heat. After walking the 1st 2 Fireballs, the next batter hit a grounder sraight into Hylah's glove and she threw it straight to 1st for the out. Then, it looked as though she would walk the next batter with a count of 3-1 and she dug deep and pulled out the strike out. Then, building on that momentum, was able to strike out the next batter on the next 4 pitches giving up no runs in the inning.

Shelbey started off the 3rd inning for the Whos at the plate. The count was full and she managed to stay alive with a couple of foul tips, but unfortunately the pitcher finally got one by for the strike out. Next, Casey, Gaby and Kas walked to load the bases. After a strike out by Mari, Jade hit one to the outfield for a double, bringing in 2 runs. The Fireball pitcher started to struggle and Maricella, Hylah and Cambria all walked bringing in the 4th and the inning max. run. This also marked the 3rd lead change in the game.

Hylah came back in to pitch the 4th inning. After a walk and a strike out, Hylah couldn't find her groove from the 3rd inning and quickly the bases loaded. After a couple more walks, the Fireballs scored 2 and the lead changed again as they went up by 1. Hylah called in for the switch and Mari took the rubber for the 2nd time in the game. Mari really stepped it up and handled her business by striking the next 2 Fireballs out and forcing the side change.

The Whos came up to bat trailing by 1. They knew they had their work cut out for them if they were going to advance to the next round. Shelbey answered the call by getting a base hit to put the tying run on base. She then stole her way to scoring position ready to go on the next hit. Casey and Gaby both struck out and the door began to close on the Whos' 2008 season. Kas came up to bat and after a couple of strikes, it looked to be the end of the game, but on the next pitch Kas connected and drove a quick grounder down the 1st base line. From my 3rd base coaching position, the ball looked like it rolled foul. So, I thought they were going to call it back, but no, it was fair Shelbey took off for home and Marissa, the Fireball 1st baseman charged the ball and almost missed the scoop, then quickly turning managed to touch 1st base before Kas got there and, more importantly before Shelbey was able to tie it up, ending the game and the season for the Whos.

The game ball for this last game was very difficult to decide. There was such great play out there by all our Whos that I almost put it to a vote. After considering the options I felt that, for all her hard work during practice and working all season to finally get a hit especially during our last practice, Cambria deserved the game ball for this game. Keep it up, work on that level swing and not being afraid of the pitches and next year you'll tear it up out there. Congratulations!

Thanks for a great season Whos and Who parents!

For the last time...

Post-Season: Game 1 - Tue 6.3 - L

Mid way through the season, the league board decided to do away with the last week of our regular schedule and replace it with a tournament style championship. This was to be a double-elimination tournament to give our Rec Ball girls a taste of what Travel or Tournament Ball was like. It also afforded teams a chance to wipe the slate clean and fight their way to the championship.

Unfortunately for the Whos, we drew the Stingers for our first game. These girls proved to be our toughest opponents all season and they didn't disappoint in that department.

A coin toss decided the home and visiting team. The Whos won the toss and decided to take home. And the game was under way.

Whos: 8

Shelbey put on a great 1st inning pitching performance to start the game. After walking the 1st batter, another batter hit a pop-up fly ball that Jade managed to get a hold of for the 1st out. The next batter got on base and the runners stole their way to 2nd and 3rd. 3 more walks lead to bases loaded and 2 scores, but Shelbey reeled it back in a peeled of 2 consecutive strike outs to hold the Stingers to 2 on the inning.

The Whos came up to bat to try to catch up to the Stingers early on, but unfortunately the Stinger defense was on fire. Mari struck out, Gaby hit the ball hard towards the Stinger short stop who was able to control the ball and make the play at 1. Kas hit the ball and the Stingers made the play at 1 again to shut the Whos down with nothing on the board.

Shelbey came back in for the 2nd inning, but struggled to find the groove she established at the end of the 1st. After a couple of walks, the bases were loaded. The next batter hit a grounder through the infield for a double. The next batter hit a slow grounder that Mari was able to field, but this pulled her off of 2nd base and with no backup coverage forced a foot race to the bag, but the runner was safe and the Stingers scored again. On the next batter, the bases loaded up again. The next batter hit a ball to Gaby and she was able to get the out at 3rd. And, on a pop up, the ball found a seam and hit the ground allowing the Stingers to score the 4th and final run of the inning.

Jade started off the 2nd inning Who's offense with a big hit to the outfield, but the quick Stinger defense was able to hold her at 1. She then stole her way to 3rd. Angelica walked then stole 2nd. Then Hylah walked to load the bases. Maricella walked putting the Whos on the board for the first time on the day. Shelbey got a base hit that scored our 2nd run of the day and the Stinger pitcher started to struggle. She hit Casey on her next at bat scoring our 3rd run, then Destinee walked scoring the inning limit of 4.

Jade came in to pitch the 3rd inning, but she was struggling to find her way as well. She walked her 1st batter, but quickly struck the next one out. A hit to the outfield put another runner into play then a walk by Jade loaded the bases. Strike out number 2 on the next batter and it looked like we were going to shut the Stingers down, but walks on the next 4 gave them the inning limit and forced the side change.

The Whos taking the plate for the 3rd time in the game trailing by 6. Cambria walked then stole to 3rd. Mari walked then stole 2nd. Gaby hit the ball but, once again, the Stingers were able to beat her to 1st for the out, but Cambria was able to cross the plate on the play. Kas walked then stole to 2nd then Jade walked to load the bases. The Stingers pitcher seemed to struggle but, at this point in the inning, she found her target and was able to strike Angelica and Hylah in quick succession closing out the 3rd inning.

Jade came in to pitch for the 4th. A hit to the outfield went straight to Angelica and with a great effort, Angelica hustled for the ball, fieled it and threw it to Mari at 2nd, but the batter was able to reach the bag before the ball got there. A couple of walks loaded the bases. Then, Jade got the 1st strike out of the inning. A couple of walks scored 2 more for the Stingers and Jade signaled for the switch. Mari came in off of 2nd to replace Jade at the rubber. Her 1st batter hit and was safe at 1 allowing another score, then another base hit brought another Stinger across the plate. Mari, finally found her focus and shut the Stingers down with 2 back to back strike outs.

Coming into our last at bats, the Whos knew that catching up would be tough against this team. Maricella walked then on a steal was thrown out at 2nd base. Shelbey walked and Casey walked right after. Destinee walked to load the bases, then Cambria came up to bat. Cambria struck out for the 2nd of the inning and the door started to close on the Whos. Mari walked on her next at bat. Then, Gaby, out of the blue got a big hit to the outfield and 3 Whos were able to score. Kas came up to bat, but the pitcher was able to gei 3 past her to close out the game.

There were a couple of high points during this game that warranted a nomination for the game ball. Angelica really finally showed some hustle and some game awareness when she went for the out attempt at 2nd. Mari, once again, cleaned up with her pitching in the 3rd inning. Jade hit a nice one to the outfield and Hylah continued to hold down the fort at catcher. But, the game ball for this game was awarded to Gaby for her 'out of nowhere' hit in the 4th that drove in 2 runs that created some excitement at the end of the game. Good job Gaby!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

San Lorenzo All Star Team

On Monday June 2, at the SLGSL Board Meeting, the San Lorenzo All-Star team was announced to the coaches and managers.

I'm very happy to announce that, based on votes from all the coaches and managers in the 11U division (each team had 4 votes), 3 of our girls made the All-Star team.

Our All-Star girls are (in no particular order):
Jade Thi Le
Shelbey Cruickshank
Hylah Reyes

Congratulations girls, I know you'll do our team proud.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Game 19 - Double Header Game 2 - Sat 5.31 - W

Coming off of the loss to the Raiderettes, the Whos played their 2nd game of the day in Piedmont hosted by the Piedmont Peppers. Fortunately the Whos were able to split the difference on the day and go out with a win. I have to say that the new surroundings and the Piedmont field were a great place to play our 2nd game of the day. But once again, this Piedmont team (or the ump) didn't seem to know all the rules we were playing under. This caused some frustration on our part. But aside from that, this game was probably one of the more fun games to play this season. Not just because of the win, although that may have played a factor, but since the interleague games don't count for our standings, I think we just went out there to have fun and that seemed to show through in how our girls played their game.

Piedmont Peppers: 4

The Whos took their at bats and you wouldn't have thought that they played and lost the earlier game to the Raiderettes. This Who team was energized and came ready to play. Mari walked to get on 1st and stole 2nd. Gaby then hit a ball to the infield and Mari took off for 3rd, while Gaby held at 1st. On the next pitch Gaby stole 2nd. Kas came up for her 1st turn, but struck out. Jade put us on the board with 3 by hitting one deep into center field for her 1st home run of the day bringing Mari and Gaby with her. Hylah and Destinee followed this up with walks then advanced to 2nd and 3rd. Shelbey hit a grounder and Hylah took off, but the Peppers were able to field the ball and get it back to home. Hylah chose not to slide and was tagged out at home. Casey came up but the Peppers got 3 past her to get the 3rd out of the inning.

Shelbey leading things off at pitcher fielded the first grounder and got it to Hylah at 1st to notch the 1st out of the inning. The next batter hit one into the outfield, but the Whos managed to hold her at 1. Shelbey was then able to make quick work of the next 2 batters to hold the Peppers scoreless.

The next Who at bat started off with Angelica getting stuck out. Mari got on base with a walk then stole her way around to 3rd. Gaby hit one high and was missed in the infield and the confusion allowed both Mari to score and Gaby to be safe on 1st. Gaby then stole her way to scoring position. On her next at bat, Jade was hit by the ball and gained 1st base. Then Hylah hit a wobbly ball to the Peppers' short stop, but she overthrew to 1st alowing Hylah to get to 2nd and driving Gaby across home. Destinee came up for her turn, but the Peppers put an end to the Who attack with a strike out, retiring the side.

Mari, making her 2nd appearance on the day, once again impressed with her play on the rubber. The 1st batter hit a ball down the 3rd base line and was safe at 1st, then stole 2nd. A quick play by Hylah on the next pitch got the ball to 3rd base to get the out on the runner who was trying to steal 3rd. The next batter hit a quick grounder to Kas at short stop who gunned it to Jade at 1st to make the 2nd out. The next batter got on base, then a short pop up was caught by Mari to get the 3rd out of the inning.

Top of the 3rd and the Whos came up to bat. The Peppers sensing that this game was slipping away, put in a new pitcher. Shelbey hit a short grounder to the pitcher and the throw beat her to 1st for the out. Casey walked and stole to 2nd. On Gaby's turn, the pitcher was able to string 3 together for the strike out. Then, Mari hit the ball, but once again, the Peppers' defense came together to get the out at 1.

Hylah was tapped to pitch for the 2nd time this season. She hasn't had a lot of practice with pitching as her focus was mostly on catching this year. This, combined with the wobbly, hammered-in pitching rubber caused her to struggle to find her strikes. The first batter walked and stole to 3rd. Hylah struck out the next batter, but then loaded the bases on walks. The next walk put the Peppers on the board for the first time in the game. Hylah hit the next batter and she took 1st base bringing another runner in. The next walk brought in a 3rd runner. Gaby fielded the next hit and decided to protect the lead by throwing to Jade at home for the 2nd out. But Hylah walked another batter, which brought in the 4th runner, tying up the game at the top of the 4th. The Peppers were right back in it.

To open up the 4th, Gaby hit a single then stole 2nd. Kas struck out on her next turn. Jade, then, hit her 2nd home run of the game brining Gaby in to score 2, regaining the lead. Hylah was hit by a pitch and got on base, then stole to scoring position. Destinee came up to bat, but despite her best efforts was not able to connect with the ball and struck out. Shelbey took her turn and connected, but it popped up and the Peppers were able to make the play and hold the Whos to 2 on the inning. They were still in the game.

Jade was tapped to pitch in the 4th. Before play started, and clearly still uneasy with her recent pitching performances, she asked to have the switch ready to go. Although I didn't want to pull her - as she needed to 'get back on the horse' to regain her confidence - I called Shelbey and Mari to be ready for the switch if Jade asked for it. Jade managed to strike out the 1st batter, then followed it up with 2 walks that then advanced to 2nd and 3rd. Jade looked at me, but I was glad she decided to shake it off. The next batter hit the ball, but the runners held and she was safe at 1st and the bases were loaded. At this time, I told Jade to finish and I was very happy that she decided to do so. Jade worked her way to full count on the batter. Could this scenario be any more dramatic or tense - 4th inning, 2 outs, full-count, bases loaded? This game now hinged on the perfect pitch or hit as it could've gone either way. Jade found her target and wound up for the pitch, stepped forward and delivered the ball - definitely a strike by the looks of it. Now, could the batter connect? The batter stepped forward, twisted her hips and started to bring her hands forward and her bat around. An instant later, she swung high and the ball flew just under the bat into Hylah's glove. Strike 3! Batter's out. Game over. What an awesome way to end a great day of Softball.

Needless to say, the 2 home runs for a total of 5 of our 6 points and keeping it together to close the show, earned Jade the game ball for this game. Great job Jade! Don't lose confidence and work to find that pitch, we're going to need it in our tournament games.

Game 18 - Double Header Game 1 - Sat 5.31 - L

As the Whos reported to the field to play their last game of the regulation 2008 season, there was a chill in the air to match the chilly Saturday morning. We gathered in the Home dugout and got our game plan together and started warming up the girls to play. As we looked over to the Raiderettes side of the field, they were surprisingly short of players. We thought that we would win the game on a forfeit, but at the last minute, the Raiderettes were able to field their 7th player to meet the league minimum and the game was started.

To start things off, this game was a defensive showcase as no runs were allowed until the game's midpoint. This also marked the first time the Whos went into a 5th inning in a game.

Whos: 0

To start things off, Shelbey put on a strong performance at pitcher to quickly shut the Raiderettes first attempt to score. We haven't seen this strong of a pitching show from Shelbey for a couple of games, but it was definitely a welcome addition to our arsenal for the game. Shelbey made quick work of the first 2 Raiderette batters, then, with a spectacular backhand grab by Gaby on a grounder down the 1st base side saw her get the out at 1st to hold the Raiderettes scoreless for the inning.

Unfortunately, the Whos weren't able to capitalize on the opportunity as the bats hadn't quite warmed up yet. Mari struck out, then Gaby and Kas followed that up with walks and stole their way to scoring position. Jade came to bat threatening to bring the runners in, but in uncharacteristic fashion, struck out. Angelica followed that up with another strike out to close the first inning off for the Whos, keeping the game even.

Moving into the 2nd, Shelbey returned and the Raiderettes were ready. The 1st batter hit one into the outfield to earn 2nd, then stole 3rd. Shelbey walked the next batter, but started to find her groove again and struck out batter 3. She walked the next batter to load the bases, but shut the door on the Raiderettes with back to back strike outs, holding them scoreless for the 2nd straight inning.

The Raiderettes gave as good as they got as they took to the field. The pitcher struck Hylah out, then followed it up with a strike out on Destinee. There was a glimmer of hope as Shelbey got a hit on her next at bat. Unfortunately, she popped it up and the Raiderettes were able to get a hand on it for the third out, keeping the Whos and the game scoreless through 2.

Next up at pitcher was Jade. She's been struggling of late at the rubber. Unfortunately, the Raiderettes offense decided to come alive at this point in the game, which allowed them to take the lead and get on the board for the first time on the day. After the 1st and 2nd batters walked, the Raiderettes were able to connect on a pitch and send it to right field for a double, scoring 1. The next batter walked to load the bases, then Jade answered with a strike out. The next batter grounded a ball through the infield that got by Angelica, but she managed to get the ball back to Gaby at 3rd to get the out. However, the action got another 2 Raiderettes across the plate. The next batter hit one into the infield on the 1st base side, which allowed another runner to score to force the side-switch.

The Whos, taking their at bats now had a sense of urgency to match the Raiderette onslaught, but the Raiderettes had different ideas as their pitcher made quick work of the Whos in the 3rd. Casey walked to get on base and diligently worked her way around to 3rd and loaded up to make the dash home. Cambria and Mari both struck out on their next turns, then Gaby connected with the ball. But this one popped up again and Gaby was caught out, which held the Whos at 0.

Jade took her 2nd turn at the rubber and, once again the switch strategy was in place, but with better pitching and better defensive play on the Whos side, we didn't have to use it. But the Raiderette offense was now in full effect. The first batter drove a grounder straight into Jade's glove and she quickly sent it to Gaby at 1st for the out. The next batter got on base as a similar toss was barely missed by Gaby on the next hit. The next grounder was fielded by Kas, but the toss to Mari at 2nd was missed allowing the runners to gain 2nd and 3rd. The next batter hit one out to the outfield, driving the 2 runners home. Jade, reeling it back in struck out the next batter. A base hit put runners on 1st and 2nd and on the next hit, the Whos were able to gather their defense together to get the out at 3rd, holding the Raiderettes to 2 on the inning.

Again, with the urgency to score, the Whos took their at bats, but were denied by the Raiderette defense. Kas was struck out to lead things off. Then, Jade was thrown out at 1st after her hit took a bad bounce to the pitcher, who then quickly threw it to 1st to make the play. Angelica walked, then stole 2nd. But the pitcher was able to get 3 by Hylah to close the 4th.

Mari took over at pitcher for the unprecedented (for the Whos) 5th inning of the game. She did not disappoint as she put in another incredible pitching performance. The first batter, hit through to Kas at short and the throw to 1st was missed, but the runner held. On the next pitch, the runner stole 2nd. Unfazed, Mari reached deep to strike out the next 3 batters in a row. Mari has very obviously worked on her pitching and her overall gameplay has seen a huge improvement over the season. Keep at it Mari. Great work!

Taking their final turn at bat - and the final chance to get on the board - the Whos knew it was now or never. The Raiderette pitcher blew 3 by Destinee to strike her out. Shelbey, then hit one down the 3rd base line, getting on base, then Casey walked to put runners on 1st and 2nd. Cambria struck out for the 2nd in the inning and it started to look bad for the Whos. Mari walked to load the bases. Last chance at bat for Gaby and the game was on her shoulders. She tried her hardest to connect, but the pitcher managed to put it just out of reach every time striking Gaby out to shut the Whos out for the first time in the season.

The game ball for this game went to Hylah who played the pivotal but largely unsung position at catcher. Hylah has become one of the more aggressive and intimidating catchers in the league. I've overheard players say that they are scared of her and heard opposing coaches comment on her play. In today's game, Hylah did incredibly by holding the Raiderettes on their bases, which was a key factor to the game going scoreless for the 1st 2 innings. In the 3rd, she also called the bunts to prepare the Who defense for the play. So, for this, the game ball goes to Hylah. Great work, keep it up!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Game 17 - Wed 5.28 - W

When we come back, we come back strong. With sheer determination and will, the Whos pulled themselves out of a hole to earn a victory in their last game versus the Tsunami team fresh off a win against the Stingers. This is impressive for a couple of reasons - 1) We have not come from behind like this before and 2) We won against a team that just beat our toughest challenge all year. Now, while reason 2 is less significant, because comparing 2 teams is a lot like apples and oranges and everyone can get hot and everyone can get cold, it still goes to show that every team in our division is beatable and that we have the skills and talent and, most importantly teamwork to make it happen. Our record is just that, a record and doesn't speak to how well the Whos have been playing all year. So, big hand to everyone for their effort out there. One more game left to play and that's on Saturday. Let's go out swinging Whos!

Tsunami: 15

The opening inning of the game saw the Whos struggle a little on offense. Mari struck out to lead things off. After Shelbey walked and stole her way to scoring position, Angelica struck out as well and things started to look grim for the Whos early on. Jade came to the plate with different ideas though and hit a double, bringing Shelbey across the plate to put the Whos on the board. Gaby got hit by a pitch for a walk and after Destinee walked as well, the bases were loaded. Hylah came up to bat and was trying her hardest to connect, but unfortunately struck out to close out the Whos offense with only 1 on the board.

Shelbey started the game at pitcher, but was clearly struggling to find her groove. The 1st batter walked and stole 2nd. 2 more batters walked to load the bases. A hit by the next batter scored 2 for the Tsunami team to put them ahead. Shelbey did not lose her composure though. She stuck it out, but unfortunately a few more walks gave Tsunami 4 on the inning to close out the 1st.

Whos up to start off the 2nd. The bats started swingning here to put us back in the game. Destinee walked and stole to 3rd. Maricella, then Mari walked to load the bases. Shelbey hit a double to bring Destinee and Maricella in. Then Angelica walked to load the bases once again. Jade hit a double to the outfield and 3 runs scored to put the Whos up by 1 point.

Mari took the rubber to pitch for the Whos in inning 2. She didn't disappoint here as she showed great control and concentration in her debut pitching performance of the season. 1st batter walked and the 2nd hit a double to put runners on 2nd and 3rd.
A hit down the 1st base side into Gaby's glove allowed her to make the out at 1st, but a runner was able to score. A missed ball hit to the infield allowed another run. Another walk put runners on 1st and 3rd. Great heads up by Mari on the next play catching a ball for the 2nd out really got the Whos energy up. But, in true dramatic fashion another walk loaded the bases and the energy turned to nervousness. Mari pulled it together to finish the inning strong with a strike out and held the Tsunami to 2 on the inning.

Opening the 3rd, the Tsunami team started to struggle at pitcher and every Who that came to the plate walked scoring the inning max of 4 to force the side change.

Sensing an opportunity to take the game away from Tsunami, the Whos put Jade in to pitch, but the walk curse hit our side as well and every Tsunami that came up advanced their runners to score 4 for their side as well.

Coming into the (unlimited run) 4th inning trailing by 1, the Whos knew it was time to turn it on if they were going to take this one. And, sure enough, that's what they did. Angelica walked to lead things off. Jade fouled her way to 2 strikes and it looked like it might not happen for her, but she finally hit one to deep center field for a home run and scoring 2. Walks on the next 3 Whos loaded the bases. Destinee came up and, once again pulled out the 'phantom bunting' technique, but unfortunately struck out. Tsunami, was forced to switch their struggling pitcher. The next 3 Whos walked, this time scoring with each advance. Then Jade, starting off our 2nd run through the line up for the inning, hit another one to the outfield, this time for a triple, bringing in 3 more for the Whos. Gaby struck out, then Casey and Hylah walked to load the bases, but no more would cross the plate as the pitcher was able to strike Destinee out to finally stop the Who charge with 9 on the board for the side.

Jade, disappointed and frustrated with her previous inning's pitching performance, came to the rubber for the final inning. We agreed that if she walked 2 batters that she would be switched out. So, she came out determined to close. 1st batter walked. A quick hit to Shelbey at short and a soft toss to Angelica at 2nd got the 1st out of the inning. On the next play, Jade fielded a grounder and got the ball to Gaby at 1st for the 2nd out of the inning, however the other Tsunami runner scored at home. The next batter walked, then stole 2nd. I wanted to let Jade close since there was only 1 out left to finish, but after this second walk, Jade wasn't feeling it and motioned to me for the switch. Shelbey came off of short to take over. A hit to Destinee in left field put runners on 1st and 3rd. The next 4 batters (3 walks and 1 single) scored 4 more for Tsunami, closing the gap. But the next batter hit a slow grounder on the 1st base side that Gaby was able to pick up and tag 1st for the final out, holding onto the lead and closing the game.

For her awesome debut performance on the rubber and her much improved pitching and all her hard work to get there over the season, Mari received the game ball for this game. Great job Mari and way to go for finally earning your opportunity to 'drive the Who bus'. Keep it up.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Game 16 - Thu 5.22 - Forfeit (L)

This game was forfeited by the Whos.

No recap for this game.