Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Post-Season: Game 2 - Sat 6.7 - L

Coming into the 2nd game of our double-elimination tournament we were unaware of who our opponent was going to be since this was determined by the other tournament games. We came to the field to find that we were going to play the Fireballs for the 4th time in the season. This was good, because we were 2-1 against the Fireballs for the season. So the opportunity was there to advance in the tournament.

Again, the coin toss determined home and visitor and, once again, the Whos took home.

Although it was a loss, putting a close to our 2008 season, this was one of the most exciting games of the season (and most fun) and it was decided, by literally a hair to close it out. So, it was a great way for the Whos to finish and I have to say that the girls really gave this last game everything they had. It was a see-saw battle to the end and it could've gone either way. Great job Whos on a great season. I hope you all had a great time this year and I hope to see you all again in '09.

Whos: 7

Shelbey and the Whos defense came in to the game with great determination. These girls really left it out on the field for what was possibly their last game of the season. The 1st Fireball batter got a base hit and was safe on 1st. The next batter hit a double scoring the 1st run of the game then made her way to 3rd base. Two walks later and the bases were loaded. Shelbey then ripped a couple past the next batter, but on the 3rd one the batter was able to connect sending the base runners, but Jade managed to snatch the ball on the fly for the 1st out, then touching 1st for a double play. A Fireball base hit brought in another runner, but that was it as Shelbey was able to strike out the next batter holding the Fireballs to 2 for the inning.

Kas, leading off for the Whos was able to connect with the ball, but the Fireball defense was able to get her out at 1st. Mari and Jade walked getting the Whos on base, then Maricella struck out and things looked bleak for the Whos in the 1st. But after a walk by Hylah to load the bases, the Whos started to connect. Cambria after almost striking out got a hit and was safe on 1st driving Mari in. I think this was Cambria's first hit of the season. Then, Shelbey got a hit to drive Jade in for another score. Casey walked scoring the next run, putting the Whos up by 1. And after the small hot streak, Gaby struck out to close out the 1st.

Mari came in to pitch the 2nd inning and the Fireballs hit a grounder down the center of the field. Mari picked it up and threw it to 1st, but the ball was dropped and the runner was safe. Mari walked the next 2 batters loading up the bases. The next two batters were able to bring 1 run each in with a base hit and a dropped fly ball respectively. Mari answered this with a strike out on the next batter. The next Fireball connected with a pitch driving one last run it, but then Mari, with a quick throw to 1st then a final strike out retired the side.

The Fireballs defense woke up for the 2nd inning. Kas walked to start things off then Mari got hit by a pitch to put 2 Who runners on base. Jade hit a ball down the 1st base side and she was thrown out at 1st. Maricella walked to load the bases, but the Fireball pitcher threw some heat and was able to strike Hylah and Cambria out to keep the Whos scoreless in the 2nd.

Our 3rd pitcher on the day was Hylah and I don't know what happened, but she really answered the Fireballs with some heat. After walking the 1st 2 Fireballs, the next batter hit a grounder sraight into Hylah's glove and she threw it straight to 1st for the out. Then, it looked as though she would walk the next batter with a count of 3-1 and she dug deep and pulled out the strike out. Then, building on that momentum, was able to strike out the next batter on the next 4 pitches giving up no runs in the inning.

Shelbey started off the 3rd inning for the Whos at the plate. The count was full and she managed to stay alive with a couple of foul tips, but unfortunately the pitcher finally got one by for the strike out. Next, Casey, Gaby and Kas walked to load the bases. After a strike out by Mari, Jade hit one to the outfield for a double, bringing in 2 runs. The Fireball pitcher started to struggle and Maricella, Hylah and Cambria all walked bringing in the 4th and the inning max. run. This also marked the 3rd lead change in the game.

Hylah came back in to pitch the 4th inning. After a walk and a strike out, Hylah couldn't find her groove from the 3rd inning and quickly the bases loaded. After a couple more walks, the Fireballs scored 2 and the lead changed again as they went up by 1. Hylah called in for the switch and Mari took the rubber for the 2nd time in the game. Mari really stepped it up and handled her business by striking the next 2 Fireballs out and forcing the side change.

The Whos came up to bat trailing by 1. They knew they had their work cut out for them if they were going to advance to the next round. Shelbey answered the call by getting a base hit to put the tying run on base. She then stole her way to scoring position ready to go on the next hit. Casey and Gaby both struck out and the door began to close on the Whos' 2008 season. Kas came up to bat and after a couple of strikes, it looked to be the end of the game, but on the next pitch Kas connected and drove a quick grounder down the 1st base line. From my 3rd base coaching position, the ball looked like it rolled foul. So, I thought they were going to call it back, but no, it was fair Shelbey took off for home and Marissa, the Fireball 1st baseman charged the ball and almost missed the scoop, then quickly turning managed to touch 1st base before Kas got there and, more importantly before Shelbey was able to tie it up, ending the game and the season for the Whos.

The game ball for this last game was very difficult to decide. There was such great play out there by all our Whos that I almost put it to a vote. After considering the options I felt that, for all her hard work during practice and working all season to finally get a hit especially during our last practice, Cambria deserved the game ball for this game. Keep it up, work on that level swing and not being afraid of the pitches and next year you'll tear it up out there. Congratulations!

Thanks for a great season Whos and Who parents!

For the last time...

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